The ELLB: European Learning Lab Battery Cells

Find the right training and build the European battery ecosystem together with us.

Whether you're a battery expert, a professional from another field, a specialist, a student, or a trainee, you'll find the right offering and plenty of background knowledge on batteries here.

The European Learning Lab Battery Cell ELLB is the main organization for all training courses provided by the Fraunhofer Research Fab Battery Cell FFB, offering classes for companies, and individuals. We are a vibrant community providing various innovative training opportunities for upskilling and reskilling in the field of batteries, contributing to the advancement of qualifications in the European battery sector.

We are ready for renewable energies and e-mobility in Europe. Are you too?

© Studio Wiegel
Mit qualifiziertem Batterie-Wissen an der Mischanlage arbeiten

The rapid upscaling of battery cell production in Europe offers numerous growth opportunities, but also leads to major skills gaps: By 2030, several hundred thousand battery experts will be needed along the entire value chain.


We provide comprehensive training and continuing education opportunities for experts and executives, benefiting both individuals and businesses amidst swift market expansion. The options are diverse: from retraining staff from different technological sectors (like the combustion engine field) to equipping employees with advanced skills in digitalization areas (such as automating production processes), all these measures enhance sustainable competitiveness in the battery industry.

Become part of the community and gain unique insights into one of the most modern and largest research infrastructures for battery cells in Europe. Together, we will contribute to making Germany and Europe a battery hotspot and thus drive forward the energy and transportation transition as an answer to the climate crisis.

Get in contact

If you have any questions or need advice about our courses, please don't hesitate to email us at

Europäisches Lernlabor Batteriezelle ELLB

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Further Training in Battery Technology

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
Bergiussstraße 8
48165 Münster, Germany