Introduction digitalisation of battery cell production

Digitalisation is the key to cleaner and cheaper battery cell production - with the help of data-based models, errors can be traced and energy guzzlers uncovered, so that up to 10 percent of emissions and millions of euros in costs can be saved every year. Reason enough to become a digitalisation expert!


We make it easy for you to get started.

Understand the role of digitalisation in modern battery cell production

This training course offers you in-depth insights into digitalisation and Industry 4.0 in the context of battery cell production. You will discover the diverse potential of digitalisation and learn how you can use it to optimise production processes. You will also learn about the most important prerequisites and action required for the successful implementation of digital technologies. Practical applications and best practices in battery technology will be presented based on specific use cases. You will also gain an overview of the latest tools and technologies that support the digital transformation in battery cell production. This training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to fully exploit the opportunities of digitalisation in your production.

Following this seminar, we recommend attending the "Battery Data Scientist" seminar.

After participating.... 

... you understand the role of digitalisation in battery cell production and its impact on efficiency, quality and sustainability.

... you will be able to allocate digital technologies and tools to their tasks in battery cell production.

... you know the challenges and potential obstacles to the introduction of digital solutions in battery cell production and know strategies for overcoming them.

Type of event
Entry-level, Attendance Seminar
Certificate of attendance
Dates, registration deadline and location
  • 12th November 2024
6 hours in one day
749 Euro (VAT exempt according to §4 no. 22 letter a UStG)
Fraunhofer FFB
Event location
Target group and requirements
  • Specialists and managers (e.g. from production/technology management) who would like to learn about the possibilities of digitalisation for their own production processes
  • anyone interested in expanding their specialist knowledge and gaining initial experience with digitalisation in battery production.

No special prior knowledge is required to attend this training course; it is aimed at newcomers to digitalisation. However, a basic understanding of procedures and processes in battery cell production is advantageous. An interest in new technologies and digital trends is desirable.

Before booking this seminar, we recommend our free e-learning "Getting started in the battery world". After attending, we recommend the in-depth seminar "Battery Data Scientist".

Advantages at a glance

Experience an interactive learning environment that is not only characterised by a variety of practical exercises and well thought-out hands-on methods, but also by the promotion of active exchange and joint learning.

Not only do you have the opportunity to ask questions, but you can also benefit from the experiences and perspectives of other participants.


After participating.... 

... you understand the role of digitalisation in battery cell production and its impact on efficiency, quality and sustainability.

... you will be able to allocate digital technologies and tools to their tasks in battery cell production.

... you know the challenges and potential obstacles to the introduction of digital solutions in battery cell production and know strategies for overcoming them.

© Fraunhofer FFB
Franziska Schulze Bockeloh

Franziska Schulze Bockeloh

As a research assistant in the "Digitalisation of battery cell production" department, I work on data-based production optimisation and the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing processes. This includes the development of predictive quality models to reduce testing efforts and improve quality assurance. These contribute significantly to increasing efficiency and quality assurance in battery cell production.