
Welcome to our platform for battery education  

In a world characterized by constant progress, continuous training is essential. Particularly in the battery sector, a dynamic and forward-looking field, updating knowledge plays a crucial role. Immerse yourself in the latest news, exciting insights, and reviews of past events to expand your knowledge and keep your finger on the pulse of battery technology. We invite you to keep pace with us on the path of further training in the battery sector and to play an active role in shaping Europe's green future.


ELLB Curriculum / 7.2.2024

How scientists become trainers

Insights into the ELLB project days: What does hands-on mean in our training courses? This is how our trainers are trained.


Online World: Battery Campus

We have created a 3D world called "Battery Campus" to provide an easy introduction to the topic of batteries. The world offers various exciting content in the form of podcasts, videos, articles and quizzes that cater to people of all knowledge levels. Visitors can have fun exploring the world of batteries and learn something new.


Three days of Workshop

That was the PreCharger in November 23

Here is a report on our workshop including an experience summary, photos, and module overview.