Specialisation in battery market

In a world that is becoming increasingly electrified, battery cells are gaining in importance as a commodity in many industries. In order for companies to be able to utilise the potential of the growing market for themselves, it is important to understand:

  • Which key technologies and applications will continue to be relevant in the future?
  • How and where will the battery market develop?
  • What could a practical, exemplary entry into the battery industry look like?
  • Which business models, technologies, raw materials and forms of recycling play a role here?

Deepen your knowledge in the exciting world of the battery market

In this training programme, you will gain comprehensive insights into the dynamic battery market and its many facets. Through practical case studies, you will learn about successful entry strategies and understand how you can apply them to your own company. You will analyse the structures and interrelationships in the battery industry ecosystem and discover innovative business models that are successful in this sector. You will also familiarise yourself with the specific production requirements that are essential for the manufacture of batteries. This training programme will provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to operate successfully in the growing battery market and secure sustainable competitive advantages.

After participating...

...you will be able to assess the attractiveness of the battery market for a specific company case study.

...know the specific requirements of market development in the battery industry and can develop a case-specific market entry strategy.

Type of event
Attendance Seminar
Certificate of attendance
Dates, registration deadline and location
  • 13th November 2024
6 learning hours
749 euro (VAT exempt according to §4 no. 22 letter a UStG)
Fraunhofer FFB
Event location
Target group and requirements
  • Graduates of the module "Entering the battery market"
  • Business development
  • Strategy and management departments
  • Project and department heads

Participants should have a basic understanding of battery cells and battery production and be interested in entering the battery market.

As this module is an in-depth module, the following learning path is suggested before attending if you have little or no prior knowledge: Free ELLB e-learning "Getting started in the battery world" -> Live online module "Introduction in battery market"


Advantages at a glance

Experience an interactive learning environment that is not only characterised by a variety of practical exercises and well thought-out hands-on methods, but also by the promotion of active exchange and joint learning.

Not only do you have the opportunity to ask questions, but you can also benefit from the experiences and perspectives of other participants.


After participating...

...you will be able to assess the attractiveness of the battery market for a specific company case study.

...know the specific requirements of market development in the battery industry and can develop a case-specific market entry strategy.


Oliver Krätzig 

I am Dr Oliver Krätzig and have been a research associate in the Technology Management group at Fraunhofer FFB since September 2020. In our group, we deal intensively with analyses of trends and implications of innovative technologies, studies on market dynamics in the battery industry and industry-related consulting on market entry strategies. My interdisciplinary background with a degree in industrial engineering and a doctorate on the subject of technology transfer in battery research gives me an important change of perspective when dealing with complex issues relating to market analysis.